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You're a precious thought to me,
A treasure to my heart.
You are daughter who have played
A very special part.

All the beauty life can give
Is summarized in you.
I am proud and I am glad
That life presented you.

In your own compelling way
I see that you're unique.
I am confident you'll reach
The very goals you seek.

Your growth and progress always are
So charming to behold.
It is such a wondrous thing
To watch your life unfold.

All my love and all my hopes
Give time a special hue.
All my days and all my years
Are full because of you.

. . . Unknown Author


I remember the birth of my first born as if it were yesterday. I went into labor on Saturday at 6:00AM. She was born at 11:02AM on Monday, May 12, 1969. They say childbirth is one of the hardest pains to bear but one of the quickest to forget. I know this to be true.

She was 21 inches long and weighed 8 LB. 2 OZ. She was the blue eyed little girl that I always dreamed of having. Her hair was light blond, although there wasn't much of it. Oh what a beautiful baby the Lord blessed me with that day. We named her Laura Leigh.

As I watched her grow into an even more beautiful young lady I knew one day I would have to let her go. Even though I knew this, it was so hard to see her walk down the aisle to her future husband. I no longer could protect her as a mother protect her child. She was no longer a child but a grown woman.

Eventually I watched her grow into a loving mother of four children. My little baby was having babies herself. What a wonderful mother she became. She loved the Lord and she taught her children to love Him also. What more could I ask for?

Laura, honey, this page is for you. I am so proud to have you for a daughter. The Lord really blessed me when He sent you to me. I wish I could have done some things differently but I can't. Just know that I love you very much and I'm proud to call you my daughter!

To find out more about my beautiful daughter click on the link below to visit her homepage. Be sure and sign her guestbook and let her know you visited.


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