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Ireland Post Office

"Shamrock Station"

A special cancel is available at the Ireland, West Virginia Post Office, aka Shamrock Station. Tressie, our postmaster, says she gets hundreds of requests for post marks.  It began long before our festival was ever conceived.  This is not a documented report, but she usually gets requests from about every U.S. State and from many foreign countries. 

Stamped, self-addressed envelopes requesting the special pictorial cancellation may be sent to: Postmaster, Ireland, WV 26376. There is no charge for the cancellation. If you want the Shamrock Station cachet on your envelope - Please mail to; Postmaster, Ireland WV 26376.

2006 Cancellation Stamp


2005 Cancellation Stamp

                 2005stamp.jpg (54854 bytes)


2004  Cancellation Stamp in PDF Format


2000  00stamp.jpg (15825 bytes)

Below are some samples of our special cancels of years gone by:

1999  99stamp.jpg (11595 bytes)





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