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Essays from Our Physical World.

How will energy differ in the 21st century from the 20th century?

My name is Impedo, and I have a dream.  
I’ve been around for quite some time, but physicists never knew what to make of me for the longest.  I can remember back in ’66 – 1866, that is – people were calling me by my name here and I signified the time and distance components that went into explaining why objects in motion acted the way they do.  Then these physicists get it in their heads that I gotta be called two things, so now most people know me by my Christian name, Kinetic E. A. Momentum, E. A. for Energy And.  In the 20th century I can say I made my debut; people began talking about what I really was and put theories about me into practice, finding out little characteristics about my personality like how I can be used for Work, how I can have Potential Energy when I’m not doing anything and how I live off energy’s vicissitudes.  
But they ain’t seen nothing yet.  2000 will be my century.  My millennium.  I’m going to make my mark, with more help from the Sun.  I’m going to show these power plants belching poison into the air how to use electricity and water, all sources of energy generation taken from the sun more effectively, so fossil fuels and nuclear energy won’t always be the status quo.  My big plan, however, is to expose geothermal power for the ingenious option it is.  GeoTherm™ I’ll call it, and it’ll be the cool thing to do!  People will be getting, like, geothermal dude, in their houses, with their own caves in the back yard and their own source of constant effective non-polluting undiluted energy!  All the cars will be electric, all the planes will use solar energy, and I, Impedo, will see my dream manifested.  My tag?  

GeoTherm™, Dude, it’s the Thing to Do
- Impedo