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Essays from Our Physical World.

Electricity in Nanostructures

One day I found myself walking down the street,
And the sky began to look a tad strange to me.
The clouds grew and billowed and soon roared,
And the sun cowered to the dark as the wind soared.

Now I sensed a difference in the air, you see,
A dampness most palpable in this here memory.
My skin became charged, my thoughts became exciting,
As I glanced to the heavens and saw a flash of lightning.

Undaunted -- I was darned entertained, I should admit,
For I’d discussed electricity in Our Physical World a bit.
So I stood outside as rain came to be shed,
And soon felt a zap of lightning on my head!

This business of electricity got my mind floating,
As I was knocked out cold, leaving the lightning gloating.
I experienced a vision of a city built of small chips blinking,
And by the very second, they all were shrinking!

I pay attention in class, I’ll have you know,
So instantly I knew these were nanostructures aglow.
I began strolling around with my hands tucked behind my back,
Observing electrons conducting these nanostructures like cute little sacks.

But so infinitesimally minute the nanostructures were, I tell you!
The electrons flew from protons, telling them exactly what to do!
You have to have both, as a matter of fact.
Protons repel electrons, that’s just how they act.

So here I was, trapped in this tiny city of technology,
Witnessing miraculous things like nanostructures in biology.
There were chips with commands to erase genetic flaws,
And others inscribed with complete volumes of Greco-Roman laws.

Getting gutsy, I jumped on one of the flying electrons,
I straddled that nanostructure and rode forward eons.
Unfortunately, and I stress this: I ended up too far in the future,
Saw whole organic systems replaced with sophisticated computers.

At this point the vision got blurry,
And I woke in a fury.

A conductor that day, I most likely was,
If I wasn’t, I’d probably be dead, cuz.