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Strange Things Happen

After a good nights sleep,I slowly open my eyes
to such a beautiful and bright sunlit morning.
I turn to look at my lovely wife lying next to
me and with a soft puff of air from my lips,
a kiss I did lay upon her cheek.
With a soft smile,she opens her eyes and without a
glance at me she rises from the bed and walks away.
I follow her to where I find her sitting,looking a little lost and sad.
I ask what was bothering her,had I done something wrong.
She turns toward me,with a look I have never seen before,
tears started rolling down her face.
We've had problems just like all married couples do,
but a strange feeling tells me that this marriage was about to end.
Feeling that this is not a good time to bother her,
I retire myself to another room. Maybe if I leave her alone for a while,
she could bring herself to talk to me a little later.
After a while of being alone,I have to know what she was going to do.
I walk up and kneel down in front of her and plea for her not to leave me.
She acts as if I weren't there, as I look at her and tell her I love her..
As I lay my hand upon her face it's as if my hand is completely without feeling.
At this time the front door opens and there for the first time in a number of years,
all our sons had come home to see us all at one time.
It felt so good to see the whole family together again.
All eyes fell upon her as they ask if she was going to be all right here alone.
It was at this time, I realized that she wasn't going to leave me.
I had left her and it was more than just a good nights sleep.

I love you babe.....WAITING AT HEAVENS DOOR

Written By...Jim Basham