Obsessed Lists
Top Ten Signs You are Obsessed with Willow
By Tiger1205@aol.com
- You have a terrible fear of frogs.
- You tell everyone in this hemisphere, at least, that your significant other is in the band.
- You have your local mortuary bookmarked on the Internet.
- You think werewolves are cute and cuddly and deserve ethical treatment.
- You become a groupie.
- You say "date" and look stunned.
- You get dates by wearing your eskimo suit.
- You have at least 5 different pairs of overalls, all in different colors.
- You break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend because they stole your Barbie.
- Your boyfriend or girlfriend has chains and stuff.
Top Ten Signs You are Obsessed with Oz
By KristieTX@aol.com
- You go to your boyfriend's house and ask him if you can chain him up during the full moon.
- You buy a different van every week, sometimes with zebra stripes, sometimes without.
- You eat animal crackers even though you don't like them.
- You go out with dates because they're unpredictable.
- Your favorite item of clothing is a feather boa.
- For Halloween you dress up as a werewolf and have a stand-off with all the costumed vampires.
- You go out and get a pet monkey and dress him up in pants and a hat.
- You change hair colors almost as much as you change your van.
- You offer everyone you meet a canape.
- You offer to take a bullet for someone so that you can get shot like Oz.
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