Facts and Myths about Witches
Facts and Myths about Witches

- Wicca is the religion that witches follow, most witches are called Wiccans or Pagans.
- A large percentage of witches are vegetarians.
- Witches use herbs, incenses, candles, oils, etc. to cast spells. They never sacrifice animals or humans. (It is said that in medieval times witches were evil and would sacrifice animals and humans).
- The five points on the pentagram are earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
- Witches do not believe in Satan.
- Wiccans and Pagans do have two main gods they worship, they are called the Lord and Lady.
- A large percentage of witches believe in reincarnation.
- In Sweden during the 17th Century, many were accused of being witches just because they looked or acted differently.
- In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, a great number of witch trials were held. 24 people died as a result of these trials. Of the 24; 19 were hanged, 1 pressed to death, and 4 died in prison awaiting their trial.
- There are a few witches that practice Christianity, their religion is called Xtianity. Some just call themselves Christian witches.
- In Europe, Africa, and Asia, witches are believed to employ animals as their assistants. These animals are called familiars.
- There are several references to witchcraft in the Old Testament of the Bible. The practitioners of witchcraft were punished by death.
- Witches are evil and worship Satan.
- Witches use witchcraft to cast evil spells or curses on people.
- The pentagram is a sign of the devil.
- All witches have big noses with a wart on the end.
- Witches only wear black and pointy hats.
- Witches ride around on broomsticks.
- All witches own black cats or can turn into black cats.
- Witches melt when you pour water on them.
- Witches are immortal.
- Male witches are called Warlocks.
- All witches are old and ugly.
- Witches have green faces.
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