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Santa's Post Office

Hi little buddy,

Greetings from the North Pole, where I am loading my sleigh with lots of toys for you and other good boys and girls all over the world.

One of my elves told me what you want for Christmas. I also heard that you have been very good all year long, and that you are going to bed extra early on Christmas Eve so I can leave your presents.

My elves have been busy all year making things from your list. We are taking a break while Mrs. Claus serves us lunch. Rudolph has had a little cold (we just had a big snow storm here), but he is fine now. He is giving flying lessons to the other reindeer today.

I hope you like what I am bringing you. Remember to be just as good next year. I must go now. Lunch is ready; then I have to study my maps and help the elves load the sleigh.

See you soon!

Your friend,

Santa Claus

P.S. If you leave a snack for me, I'll be sure to eat it. I'm not picky, but cookies and milk are my favorite!