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Women of Strength
and Inner Beauty

W.O.S.I.B. Assignments 2001

For my 2002 assignments click here

Introduction Image

Assignment #1 - Sheila's T-Car

Assignment #2 - Etched Marble

Assignment #3 - Collage

Assignment #4 - Creating Tubes
Click Here to Download Tube

Assignment #5 - Basic Masks

Assignment #6 - Saving Images for Easy Web Downloading
Image saved 3 different ways:
The .PNG image will not let you view it, it will only let you download it.
Well, maybe it will work for you, but it didn't for me.

Assignment #7 - Making a Parasol

Assignment #8 - Animated Button

Assignment #9 - Animated Calling Card
This is a tutorial that I wrote for WOSIB.

Assignment #10 - Animated Banners

Assignment #11 - Chalkboard

The following is an extra tut that I done in this group.
Animated Greeting Card

Assignment #12
Making a Mushroom

Assignment #13 - Making watermarks
Watermark for a dark background

Watermark for a light background