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JANUARY 31, 2002: KLARA ELIZABETH MEADOWS WAS BORN AT 8:31pm!!! She weighed 8 lbs 12 3/4 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. She has blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair.

September 11, 2001: **UPDATE** We had "the" ultrasound on September 11th and we are pleased to say we are having a baby GIRL! Her name will be Klara Elizabeth (Klara Beth for short). Things are going well so far so keep those prayers coming!

Thursday, May 24, 2001: we found out that we were expecting a new bundle of joy! After 15 months of trying to have a little brother or sister for Jared, we were finally blessed. The baby is due on February 1, 2002. We will use this page to keep updates on the new baby's progress, doctor's appointments, ultrasound pictures, etc. We will be so thrilled when we can finally have the new baby a real website with REAL photos next year! It is just too exciting! Please keep Alice & the baby in your prayers that this is an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. After all the complications with Jared, we are a tad bit nervous about the return of pre eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Thanks for stopping by and check back often as things change fast when it comes to being pregnant. Rich & Alice Meadows

One Month Old

Easter 2002 Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Jared, 3 yrs 2 mos and Klara, 4 months old


June 15, 2001 Ultrasound Pictures