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~In Loving Memory Of My Daddy~


1950 - 1992

My Daddy was my life, he was my morning sun, springtime breeze, the fall colored leaves

My Daddy

A loving, compassionate, honest man

I sit here writing this, and tears roll down my cheeks

TO My Daddy;

As my heart cries out for you.

To hear your voice, To have you hug me agian, to have you comfort me when I am sad, To have you encourage me when I want to acomplish something.

To be able to have my daddy back agian.

I want you to know how much I love You, Miss You, Need You, and wish you were here with me now.

You have missed so much,

I wish you were here with me, to watch my children grow

To see how much I have acomplished because of you,

You have taught me so much about life, and now you are not here to see.....

My eyes swell up with tears still, to this day when I think of you, My love for you has not fadded and never will.....

I keep you and hold you close in my heart, and my thoughts...

I have taught my children as you have taught me, They know where this knowledge comes from, and they keep you in there hearts, as well......FOREVER YOU WILL LIVE ON..... Within us....

To hear my Daddy, Please click here:

To Read about my memories, and to see more pictures of my Daddy click below