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Jesus Is Lord. Read John 3:3 about salvation.
Salvation is the most important thing one can experience in their lives, in fact a persons life does not really begin untill they have accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal savior. For me this happened on March 3 1985 at 8:01 pm in Summersville  WV at a church called New Life Assembly. But the good news is that you do not have to go to a church or be with an ordained minister or even be with any one at all to ask Jesus into your heart as your Lord and savior! It is all easy as a prayer, or in other words to just ask Him in and believe that he will come into your life and make you new through his shed blood on the cross and his resurection from the dead on the third day. 
  The bible tells us in the book of John, that is the fourth book in the new testement That unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. The scripture I just mentioned is John 3:3, please look it up for yourself. This means that there is no other thing or person or way that will get you into the kingdom of God except through the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ. 
  If you would like to start a new life with Jesus as your king and become in the kingdom of heaven all you need to do is pray the following prayer and believe in your inner most parts that it is true. You dont need to pray this word for word but just talk to Jesus as you would your best friend and say: 

  Heavenly Father, I believe that I am a sinner through the sin of Adam and without salvation I am lost and doomed to hell. I also believe that Jesus Christ the son of God died for me and His powerfull blood shall cleanse me from all the sin in my life past, present, and future. I now willingly give my life over to you Father God to use and purify in your righteousness as you see fit. I will now live my life in the light of your ways and be obedient to the guiding of the Holy Spirit. Father God I ask you now to come into my heart, and I believe you have. I am now your child and you my Father forever. For it is in the name of Jesus Christ the allmighty I pray this with belief  and assurance. AMEN! 

   If you just prayed a prayer on the order of the one above then congrats!!!!! You are now a born again christian and a servant of the king and maker of the universe, it is that simple! You have just made the most important decision of your life. Please Email Me  and let me know you have made this giant step into the Army of warriors of the risen king Jesus! 
God Bless you 
Jim Metalvikng Burns