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These are pictures of work I have done in the past. These pieces are not immediately available but can be special ordered and they help to give you an idea of the different types of pictures I enjoy stitching.

This first picture is a piece that I made for the Chicago IMA show in April 2002. I sold it and received an order for another one! The kimono measured not quite three inches high and the stand wasn't much higher. They could be a little smaller or larger depending on the fabric used. I have patterns for 6 different kimonos in various color combinations and hope to eventually get them all made. So, if you are interested in this piece but would prefer some other color combination, please contact me and I'll be happy to try and work something out for you. Pricing would vary slightly depending on pattern chosen, stitch count, with or without stand, etc.

And here are three other pieces which have sold at shows in the past. The tapestry angel was worked on 36 count pure linen and is fringed at the bottom. The other two pictures were worked on 28 count fabric and framed in handmade hardwood frames.

My finished pictures normally sell for $20.00 to $40.00, depending on complexity of design, type of frame, and fabric used.

This picture just barely shows two pieces that have been very popular at shows in the past. On the left is an oriental screen which is stitched on gold perforated paper with a red dragon in the center panel and traditional Chinese knots on the two side panels. It is framed in black lacquered wood and stands about 5" high. On the right is a fire screen with a fairly formal vase of flowers cross stitch picture mounted on it. The picture is framed with tiny gold braid. The oriental screen can be special ordered for $60.00 and the fire screen is available for $35.00.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at