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!~! Poems !~!

Here are some poems that I seem kinda partial to. I wrote them so I thought that I'd share them with you. Here goes...

I Remember

The rain comes pouring down
And drips upon my hand
I think of all my times with you
And I smile to my friend

I remember the first time that
I declared my love for you
I accidentally let it slip
And took it back, though my love was true

I think of how cute you were
When you got aggravated with me
You'd somehow always manage to laugh
And make it a good memory

I remember those times
When we'd catch each other's eye
And how softly you would kiss my lips
Without a reason why

I think of how much it meant to me
Just to hold your hand
And when you'd whisper in my ear
Was more than I could stand

Now my hand is cold and wet
But I'm warm as one could be
Still smiling at you, my friend
And my love still growing steadily

One Time

I had this most wonderful thing one time
But I had to set it free
I knew that if it was true love
It was always come back to me

To let you go was the hardest thing
I've ever had to do
I was selfish and I wanted to keep
A longer grip on you

With you, my heart, it skipped a beat
And my lips, well, they went numb
In my heart and in my mind
I knew you were the one

You gave me every thing you could
The things that I desired
I felt like I was walking in the clouds
And I wanted to go much higher

I had the most wonderful thing one time
But I had to set it free
I always knew it was true love
And that you'd come back to me