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Now this page is just pictures of me, and Steven happens to be in one of them. He's terrific though. He's cute too. They're, the pictures of me, not the best in the world, but they could be worse...hahaha Well, there are 3 pictures so look at 'em all.

Steven and Cyndi

Here we are at his house, sitting on his couch, at his birthday/ going away party. I didn't wanna go, but his mom said I had too. It was a surprise party and I didn't even tell him. 9/5/99


This is me at the park taking pictures for no reason at all. My dad took them. I got sick because I wore a tank top that day. hehe...I missed 3 days of school. 10/31/99


This is a picure that I took the same day as the one above. It was really, really frigid. But nonetheless I was smiling. Sort of... 10/31/99