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Pictures By Chance

Look I have more pictures. Dum-de-dum-dum duhhh!!

My tribe at camp-DELAWARE

This is my tribe from Logan County 4-H camp 1999. I was Cheif Cindy and my sag was Jessica Kolovich. 1st row,l-r:Chris Bias, Kara Albright, Joey O'Rourke, Brittany Stone, Adam Barnette 2nd row,l-r:MJ Tabor, Brain Cobb, Lora Kolovich


This is my brother Chris and his girlfriend Dena. She's at Navy boot-camp right now. It's mighty chilly where she is, but my brother just got home from there. This picture was at one of the many family functions at the park.


This is where my band picture from last year was going to be, but it was too big. We haven't taken them this year yet. But when we do, I'll up-date this some more. But since I didn't put a picture, I put a sunbliminal message. Muhahaha