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Take my hand and let me lead you
Through the darkness and the light
Take my hand and let me lead you
Use my eyes to be your sight.
I know you fear the darkness
For in darkness I fear too
But to be in darkness always
Is to be in blindness, true.
Although you'll never see again
Take my hand and walk with me
And together we'll share Gods'beauty,
The birds, the bees, the trees.
I will show you beauty
Far beyond imagination
Just take my hand and walk with me
My little one--my only son.
I know you can't understand
Why at one time you could see
The beauty of the flowers--
The beauty of the trees.
But my little darling--
Sometimes this is meant to be
And God must take away something
Something--great and free.
And thats what happened to you
Thats why you cannot see
So now you must listen silently
As silent as can be.
You say you hear more clearly now
Yes, my dear thats true
For when you lost your eyesight
Your hearing became better too.
You'll hear alot better my darling
And though your sight is gone
Be not afraid of the darkness
For I will be along.
I'll be with you in the morning
I'll be with you noon and night
I'll be by your side forever more
My darling--without sight.