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A friend is someone that will always stand beside you no matter what life deals out to you.
A friend is someone that will listen to you in the middle of the night and not judge why you have called.
A friend is someone that sees your best interests before you do.
A friend is someone that walks beside you in all aspects of lifes path.
A friend is someone that makes you feel comfortable about yourself when you dont.
A friend is someone that can shed a tear with you when you need to cry.
A friend is someone that would give you their last dollar and not tell you about it.
A friend is someone that lets you drink the last soda and tells you they dont want any.
A friend is someone that takes up for you when others think you are wrong.
A friend is someone that makes you laugh when you actually need to cry.
A friend is someone that calls you up when you are down just to check on you.
A friend is someone that goes with you to the mall but doesn't like to shop.
A friend is someone that would encourage you when things dont go the way they should.
A friend is someone that would congratulate you on a job well done.
A friend is someone that helps you with your work when you get behind.
A friend is someone that always keeps you in their heart and mind.
A friend is someone that is like a sister to you.
A friend is someone you never have to worry about when you tell a secret to.
A friend is someone that wants to share and make memories with you.
But most important of all is a friend is someone that trusts and respects you for being you.
A friend like this is a very special person and I hope you have one like I do.