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We never had a big house
We never owned a boat
We never did alot of things
That alot of others thought.
We didn't waste our money
We had alot of fun
We never lacked for anything
We got along as one.
We pictured some day owning
A house upon a hill
With a beautiful bed of roses
Upon a window sill.
Around the house a picket fence
A maple tree or two
A small child laughing and playing
With a little pup or two.
Then as our child grows older
And we begin to gray
We take long walks to a beautiful pond
At different times of the day.
Our life has been a blessing
And now our child has grown
But we still take our walks
To this beautiful place called "Home".
For the house I never gave you
This promise I can make
The beautiful picture in our minds
Is certainly no mistake.
For God above has promised
This beautiful place of his
And you will have your house
For this we have been blessed.
For working hard and doing good
And doing what is right
He's put our names upon the door
And theres a shining light.
And look outside our window
And there beyond you'll see
The beauty of the picture
Is what our yard will be.
For this we need not money
For this we need not time
For this is what God gave us
For loving and being kind.

This beautiful picture is from the collection with his permission.