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~~created by Aina~~


Its so unfair to be so small
With such few years to live
I cherished each and every one
You had so much to give.
There's photographs and videos
Of my beautiful little girl
God sent me down an angel
I couldn't want for more.
I would of given my own life
If you could only stay
I prayed to God so many times
Please, don't take my girl away.
But who am I to doubt Him
I know we ask not why
But I had prayed so many years
To have you in my life.
Four years is not a long time
But in my eyes you'd see
The mothers love I held for you
Would last eternally.
I loved to pick you flowers
And place them through your hair
And you would lie down in them
And throw them everywhere.
You used to call them "children"
And I would ask you why
And you would say "Jesus told me"
And pointed to the sky.
The faith I have in God above
Is what has pulled me through
For if I had not had it
I would of joined her too.
I asked God "Why not take me?"
But He came to me one night
As if I were upon a cloud
Of beauty and such light.
I know I wasn't dreaming
But I felt His hand so strong
I cant explain the peacefulness
He said: "You must go on".
"For you see I know what it is like
To give your only child"
There is no greater pain in life
Than to give the one you love."
And then he showed me flowers
And what a beautiful sight
I saw my little girl of four
Playing in delight.
She waved at me and bowed her head
And began to play again
And with her came so many more
These "children" now her friends.
So as I felt an inner peace
That only God could give
I said a prayer of Thank You
I now know I can live.
I know I'll see my little girl
Of this God told me so
And I will sit down by her side
With flowers in a row.