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Aunts start off as little girls
The same as you and me
They have a special kind of love
That only we can see.
They care enough to do the things
That make our lives complete
Where would we be if not for them
I shudder-- not to think.
Taught by the best of mothers
Sent down by God above
To be the one companion
That shares our uncles love.
She's more than just a person
She's more than just a friend
She's there to share your secrets
She's there to lend a hand.
She listens when you need her
No matter day or night
She says a special prayer for you
Beside her bed each night.
She will comfort you with laughter
She will dry your tears away
She will be your best companion
Anytime--be it night or day.
When I grow up I want someone
To call me their aunt too
And share a special kind of bond
That only aunts can do.
So a heartfelt thank you goes to each
And every aunt today
For being such wonderful women
In each and every way.

I dedicate this to my wonderful aunts