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As I'm looking down from Heaven
At the ones I hold most dear
I can see the pain and hurt
I can even see your tears.
Remember all the fun times
And the memories we had
Dont think of pain and suffering
For this will make you sad.
Look in the eyes of children
For this is where you'll see
A glimpse of what the future holds
And memories of me.
I thank God for my time on earth
And bringing me my son
And becoming a new grandpa
We could of had such fun.
I held your tiny body close
And kissed you on the cheek
I called you pap pa's Angel
I wanted you to speak.
I would of read you stories
We could of gone for walks
I know you would of enjoyed
Our endless little talks.
I may not be with you physically
But I'm in your heart and mind
And if you close your eyes real tight
I'll take you back in time.
So when you say your prayers at night
Before you go to sleep
Remember pap pa loves you
And I can't wait to meet
My special little Angel
Her name is special too
Because my son named her Kaitlyn
I'll always remember you.

By Linda Malcomb