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I belong to the group that Serena is over. She is a hard task master at some things but all and all a nice person to be around.

I am sixteen years old or at least I was created to be that age. People tend to think that I think I am better than them but to be honest, they scare me to death. It is easier to just act snotty then to try and talk to people I don’t know.

My biggest love, other than our gentleman of course, is the big cats. I love lions and tigers. Well tigers are all right but my biggest wish is to own a lion all my own. I wouldn’t want it in a cage or a house, I would love to go and live in the jungle where it lives. To sleep with him as my pillow.

When Mona was taking the girls to the zoo a lot when they were little, I would always come out around the lion exhibit. One time they were feeding some lion cubs and I got to actually hold a lion cub in my arms. It was heavy even though it was just a baby. I was so thrilled and I have never forgotten the feel of that animal in my arms.

I’m not stuck up or conceited. I am silly and funny when I am around people I know. Sometimes I wish that I could be out at all times, but I know the others have their rights too. I am so happy that Caroline understands that we all have a right to be.

My name is Vicki, and I like ice cream with hot fudge sauce, and riding around in the car on a warm day, laughing and watching videos with my gentleman. I hate people who are mean to animals, eating fish and having people making fun of me.

I have real emotions and feelings. I am a person, I have a right to exist.


Beseen Bulletin board will be closing down on the 18th of August, would you please start now posting in our new board. Thank you for your help. Serena

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