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Try to be as unique as possible with your character names. No WWF, WCW, and etc names are allowed. Where no saying you can't act like them just pick a different and unique name that will best suit you.

Maximum of 2 wrestlers per applicant. Unless you wish to have a tag team then you are allowed 3 wrestlers (One single and One Tag Team).

No Racial comments (This will no be tolerated).

No Using other people wrestlers in your Role Plays.

Lets keep the foul language to a minimum. If you must then use either @ss or A$$ or sh!T and etc.

Max weight per character is 450 lbs and max. height is 7'2"

A min. of 1 role play should be written once a week to make challenges or to rebutal someone else's comments and max. of 3 per week. Anymore than 3 a week will be erased and not put out. Where looking for Quality not Quantity. Role Plays will count for 80% of your win so make them good ones. All Role Plays should be sent to

A written strategy is required from everyone who has a match and must be in the day before your match. a strat should consist of the way you would like to be introduced to the ring, some offensive moves that you would like to use, and some defensive moves. A strat only counts for 20% of your win, so don't get to extravagate lets keep it to a min. but a strat is required. Strats will be sent to whom ever is writing your match and you will be notified when the matches are out to where you strat is to be sent.

If you don't role play or write a strat then you will get jobbed plain and simple. If this becomes a repeated pattern then you will receive your very own pink slip out the door.

If your sick or have other plans that week then that is fine, we all have lives outside of wrestling. Just let your President know and you will not get booked for that week or will be removed from the booking.

NAWA is looking for the best of the best and with your help NAWA will become the best federation out there. Remember everyone this is only a game and try to have some fun.

NAWA is always open to suggestions and the NAWA staff will always listen to your comments. Send your comments to