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The Trophy Room

Wahoo! Isn't this neat? Some people really liked my site and gave me their award! Thanks everyone!

Skimbleshanks' Award for Jellicle Excellance!

I got this award at Skimbleshanks' Station. It was my very first award. Thanks, Skimble!

Bombanya's Award for Rebel-esque Sites

I got this award at Bombanya's Jellicle Rebels. Go visit her site, it's the home of the Jellicle Rebels :-) Thanks, Bombanya!

Two Paws Up!

I got this award at Tamanoella's Cats Page. Thanks Tamanoella!!

Macavity's Fiendish Feline Award for Interesting Sites

Tres chouette! (translation: very cool!) An award from my dear old dad (well, actually from Jellicle Cats Have Moonlit Eyes) Thanksthanksthanks!

WyndSong's Award of Website Excellence

Very groovy looking award! I got this award at WyndSong's Place! Thanks!!!

Jemisto and Demisto's Cool Site Award

Wahooooooo!! Another award! This one is from Jemisto and Demisto's Cats Lair. Thankssssss!!

Mungo and Rumple's Award for Excellant Sites

I got this award from Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer's Centre of Operations. Thanks Mungo 'n' Rumple!!!!!!

The Mystery Cat's Award

Wahoo! An award from my wonderful Papa! I got this award from Lacy's Jellicle Moon. Thanks!!

Old Deuteronomy's Chosen Site

I was given this award by Lacy's Jellicle Moon too! Thanks again!!

Jemima's Super Site Award

Wow! The Super Site Award! I'm sooo honored...thanks Jemima!!

Onto the next wall!

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