Here are the countries, and their Royal Families. ((Soon I will have a drawn map of all of them.)) Choose one of these to live in, but choose well: if you do a bad to your home country, you will be sent to Exhile Island, the jail. The countries:
King Casenoba, Queen Ariallana, Prince Casenoba II, Princess Katherine, Prince Arin
King Kakiriko, Queen Fabiola, Princess Cameron, Prince William
Queen Meryl
Olly Olly
Queen Debra, Prince Cody, Princess Jessie
Oxen Free
Currently watched over by the Olly Olly Royal Family, but awaiting a King or Queen to be elected.
Uninhabited; Royal Family waiting to be elected.
Uninhabited; Royal Family waiting to be elected
Parker Island
Uninhabited; Royal Family waiting to be elected
Uninhabited; Royal Family waiting to be elected
King Jonathon, Queen Alania
Weyr of K'lar
K'lar and Kalormen run this Weyr, you may only live here if you have experiance with dragons, firelizards, or firedrakes.
Gweneth Island
Uninhabited; Queen has died and everyone else left in their grief. New Queen will be elected soon, but only the best will be allowed.
Uninhabited; Royal Family to be elected soon.
Currently ran by Contess Nichole De La Cre, the old queen of F'nor (which no longer exists; it was taken over by the Cor'inians). She is very anxious to get it a Queen and King, though, they will be elected soon.