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Pierce the Darkness


This scenario is a reconnaissance mission for the Adepta Sororitas, requiring them to push beyond the front lines of the enemy.

Scenario Special Rules

Pierce the Darkness uses the following special rules: Infiltrators, Reserves, Victory Points, Random Game Length, and Night Fighting. The Sisters may decide to attack during the night or the day. This mission uses the Battle Force Organization charts, with the Sisters being the attackers and their opponent being the defender.


Army Deployment

  1. Deployment is determined as for a normal battle in this mission.
  2. The Ministorum forces get the first turn since they launch the assault.

Mission Objective

The Sisters of Battle must attempt to get as many of their units off the board through the opponents deployment zone as possible. If they can get three squads worth at least 100 points each off the opposite table edge, then the game is ended immediately. If they get only 1 or 2 units off the table, then the battle is calculated using victory points. In this case any Ministorum units which has exited the table through the enemy's deployment zone counts its value in victory points for the Sisters of Battle. For every enemy unit with fewer than 25% casualties in its deployment zone at the end of the game scores an amount of victory points equal to its cost. If the Sisters fail to get any units off the enemies table edge, then they lose.


Any unit may be kept in reserve in this scenario instead of being deployed at the start of the battle. Any units held in reserve by the defender cannot be used to count score bonus victory points for less than 25% casualties.

Game Length

The game lasts for a random number of turns.

Line of Retreat

Any units which fail a morale check will fall back towards their own table edge in their deployment zones.

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