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Army of Death


Opposing forces encounter each other just before dawn, with the battlefield still shrouded in darkness.

Scenario Special Rules

Dawn Attack uses the Deep Strike, Infiltrators, and Random Game Length scenario special rules. The Night Fight scenario special rule is used for the first game turn only (i.e. the sun comes up at the end of the first turn).


Army Deployment

  1. Divide the board into four quarters. Both players roll a dice, the player with the highest score may pick which quarter to deploy in. The other player’s deployment zone is the opposite quarter.
  2. The player that scores the lowest deploys one unit in his quarter of the board. His opponent then deploys a unit in his deployment zone. The players take it in turns deploying a unit at a time until the whole of both their forces is on the table. No unit can be deployed within 18” of the enemy at the start of the game. The players must deploy their units in the following order: Heavy Support first, then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack units. Units that can infiltrate may deploy anywhere on the table at least 18” from the enemy. If both players have infiltrators, roll a dice to see who sets up first.
  3. Roll for who gets the first turn. Highest score may choose whether to go first or second.

Mission Objective

Both forces are seeking to clear the area of all enemy forces securing ground as they go. The player that occupies the most quarters of the board at the end of the game wins.
To occupy a table quarter, there must be no enemy units of troops, bikes, or cavalry over half strength or mobile vehicles in the area, whilst you must have at least one unit of troops, bikes, or cavalry over half strength or a mobile vehicle in the area.

Game Length

The game lasts for a random number of turns.

Line of Retreat

Troops which are forced to fall back will do so towards the nearest board edge of their deployment zone, using the normal fall back rules.

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