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Guerilla War


A force of guerillas has been living out in no-man's land and fighting a guerilla war against its foe. The guerillas are cut off and running olw on food and ammunition. They have sought out and engaged an enemy force on patrol orders to loot rations and ammo pouches from the fallen. Their primary concern is to kill enemy troops in assaults so they can strip the warriors of their equipment immediately and then to move on. The patrol's goal is to break through the guerilla attack so its command can call in the main force to eliminate the persistant guerillas.

Scenario Special Rules

Guerilla War uses the Random Game Length, Victory Points, and Infiltrators special rules. The guerillas must choose the following troops: 1 HQ and 1 Fast Attack. They may choose 1 HQ, 3 Elite, 4 Troops, 3 more Fast Attack, and 1 Heavy Support in addition to the required choices. The patrol must take 1 HQ and 1 Troops. They may also take 1 Elite, 5 Troops, 3 Fast Attack, and 3 Heavy Support.


Army Deployment

  1. When setting up terrain, you must place at least 2 Jungle/Forest like pieces of terrain to represent to wilderness in which the guerillas attack from.
  2. The attacker and defender take turns placing a unit in their deployment zones in the following order: Heavy Support, Troops, Elites, HQ, and Fast Attack.
  3. The attacker gets the first turn.

Mission Objective

In addition to normal victory points, the forces gain special victory points in this scenario. For every unit the guerillas destroy in assaults(wiping out the unit or pursuing into a broken unit) while in contact with the enemy unit will get +50% of the destroyed enemy unit's cost as VP's. In other words, if the guerillas destroyed a unit worth 200 points in close combat, then they would receive 300 VP's. The patrol earns victory points if they can move their HQ or Elites units off the opposite table edge by the end of the game. They receive victory points equal to their cost if they exit in this way.



Game Length

The game lasts for a random number of turns.

Line of Retreat

Both sides will fall back toward their deployment zones' long table edge.

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