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Liberate the Relic


A relic has been stolen from a holy place by one of the enemies of the Imperium, and the Sisters of Battle must recover it.

Scenario Special Rules

This scenario uses the Infiltrators, Deep Strike, Random Game Length, Reserves, and Victory Points special rules. Liberate the Relic uses the Standard force organization charts.


Army Deployment
  1. Armies are set up according to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, with the sides rolling to see which side they get and who sets up first.
  2. The Sisters of Battle get the first turn.
  3. At the beginning of the game, the nominate one enemy HQ commander to be carrying the relic. If the model carrying it is killed by shooting, then place a counter to represent the relic where the model died. A model that finishes its movement in contact with the marker, it may pick it up at the end of the movement phase. If a model carrying it is killed in close combat, then the model who slew the character picks up the relic. If the model who killed the relic carrier is killed in the same combat phase, then the counter is placed as above.

Mission Objective

The main goal of the mission is to have possession of the relic at the end of the game. If the defender still has the relic at the end of the game, he gains an additional 150 VP's. If the Sisters of Battle control the relic, they receive 200 VP's.


Reserves enter from the back of each army's respective deployment zones.

Game Length

The game lasts for a random number of turns.

Line of Retreat

Both sides will fall back towards their deployment zone's table edge.

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