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The Iron Citadel

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Last Updated 8/22/99

This is my work in progress 40K page. I play Space Marines, Tyranids, and Sisters of Battle. While I use a home-grown chapter of marines called the Lamenters, I have info for any kind of marines player in the Lamenters area. I have played around a bit and 3rd edition game play is very smooth. The only small downsides are the vehicle rules and loss of a little detail. But you can't have everything. For something totally hilarious about mad cows, go here. Feel free to send any submissions you want on the web to this site. If it's semi-decent at all, I'll stick it on the page with credit to the writer. I'll be glad to receive any "constructive" criticism on what the page is lacking. Just drop me a line here.

Forget the promise of civilization and scientific advancement, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war...

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