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Space Marines often carry out special missions that require them to make an assault from an orbiting spacecraft. They are well trained and equipped to carry this out, descending from orbit in huge Thunderhawk gunships or specifically designed drop pods, and then unleashing a well-coordinated attack before the enemy knows what hit him.


The Space Marine force must take 1 HQ and 2 Troops. They may also take 1 HQ, 4 Troops, 3 Fast Attack, and 3 Elites. Space Marine characters cannot ride bikes, Assault Squads count as Troops choices, and only Landspeeders and their variants may be chosen for Fast Attack.
Defender's force must consist of 1 HQ and 1 Elites. It may also contain 1 HQ, 2 Elites, 4 Troops, 2 Fast Attack, and 2 Heavy Support.

Scenario Special Rules

Planetfall uses Deep Strike, Hidden Set-Up, Victory Points, and Random Game Length.


Army Deployment

  1. The defender sets up using Hidden Set-Up, anywhere on the table but at least 12" from a table edge. The defender's hidden set-up is not revealed until after the Space Marines have arrived on their first turn.
  2. The Space Marines all enter play on the first turn using the Deep Strike rules. Even troops that cannot normally use Deep Strike may use it for this mission.
  3. The Space Marines get the first turn in this mission.

Mission Objective

The Space Marines must kill all of hte defender's HQ units and score the most victory points. Any other result is a victory for the defenders. IMPORTANT: The Space Marines score triple the normal number of victory points for HQ units they eliminate in this mission.



Game Length

The game lasts for a random number of turns (see the Scenario Special Rules on pages 132-137 in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook).

Line of Retreat

Any unit forced to fall back will head for the nearest table edge using the shortest possible route. The rules for falling back can be found on pages 71-72 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook

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