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Defend the Shrine


The Sisters of Battle have been called upon to defend a holy place containing relics sacred to the Emperor, from an enemy of superior numbers.

Scenario Special Rules

This scenario uses the Random Game Length, Fortifications, and Hidden Set-Up special rules. In addition to this, the Sisters of Battle force may only be worth half of the attacker's force in points. The Sisters gain an additional +1 to all roles on the Sacred Rites for this battle also. The force organization charts for a Battle mission are used, with the Sisters' being the defender and their opponents being the attacker.


Army Deployment
  1. When setting up terrain, the only requirement is that there be an area of buildings and fortifications along with a shrine in the Sisters' deployment zone.
  2. The Ministorum army is set up in the 18" by 18" square in the center of the table using the hidden set-up rules.
  3. The attacker then sets up his force at least 18" away from the SOB's deployment along the short edges of the table.
  4. The Sisters reveal their troops.
  5. The attacker gets the first turn.

Mission Objective

The player with the most troops in the shrine itself(not the Sisters deployment zone) wins the game.



Game Length

The game lasts for a random number of turns.

Line of Retreat

The attackers will fall back towards the table edge by which they deployed. The Sisters of Battle will fall back towards the shrine. If they can advance no further towards the shrine, then they will halt their fleeing at the edge of the shrine. If they are stopped this way, they will not be destroyed by pursuers and will automatically regroup.

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