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Welcome to the one and only CHAZ'S VIDEO GAMES! What exactly is Chaz's Video Games, you ask. It's a site about all the games I have. There's news on the latest games and info on old games. Even some codes. Learn about games no one even knew where coming out like Rugrats and South Park! Check it all out.


Rugrats The cute little babies from Nickelodeon hit the Nintendo 64!

South Park 64 The hit cartoon for adults also hits the N64 from Acclaim!

Resident Evil 3 Claire and Leon are back and better than ever!

Super Mario RPG 2 All I have to say about this is WHAT WAS NINTENDO THINKING?


Megaman Legends The blue warrior is back and now in 3D!

Parasite Eve From the creators of Final Fantasy comes Parasite Eve!

Super Mario RPG It may be old, but I have the latest news on it.

Final Fantasy Series The entire Final Fantasy series from 1 to 8.

Megaman Series The entire Megaman series from 1 to Legends.


Megaman Legends (PSX) The latest codes!

Tomb Raider 2 (PSX) Codes for Tomb Raider 2, Starring Lara Croft

Diddy Kong Racing (N64) Some codes no one's ever heard of!

Crash Bandicoot 2 (PSX) Crash Bandicoot's codes of wisdom!


Megaman Visit Chaz's other site, Megaman!

Chicken Lover Case Visit Chaz's South Park site!

All My Games See a list of every single game I have.

Enter My Contest See if you can have your games listed on my site!

Contest Winners The section will not be up for a while (the list of winners for my contest)!

Other Links See some links for South Park, Megaman, and Video Games!

Music Some MIDI music from other great games like Final Fantasy and Megaman!

Linking To Me Using the banner code, please add me to your links.


Sonic, Mario, Diddy Kong, Lara Croft, and all other characters on this site except for Chaz are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Comedy Central, Sony, Sega, Rareware, Acclaim, etc.

[ KeyTrax...Audio Generator ] [ ] [ Icybrian's RPG Club ]

E-mail me: Chaz

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