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Game FAQs and Strategy Guides

Rolling Invincibility

Simply while holding R1 or L1, press X and right (if holding R1) or left (if holding L1) to roll. While rolling, no enemies will be able to harm you.

Extra Money, Method #1

To get some extra cash real simple, go to an area with kinda easy enemies like a ruin or something like that. Defeat the enemies getting the refractors (crystals that count for zenny which is money). Then, leave the area and return and the enemies will be back for you to clobber again.

Extra Money, Method #2

At the Apple Market, you'll notice a pop can near the entrance. Try to kick it behind the counter of the Jetlag Bakery. If you do it right, you will get 1,000 zenny in a snap. But, the lady that owns the Jetlag Bakery will ask you to stop.

Extra Money, Method #3

Doing this may cause your armor to go black, but, go to the Flutter after defeating Boss Bruno. Search the T.V. There's a bank robbery Downtown. Go there by foot (Roll can't take you right now) and you should find a red car being chased by a police car. The game allows you to use your Buster Gun in the town. Blow up the red car and a trunk of money falls out. If you grab it and talk to the Inspector, you get only 20,000 zenny and your armor stays blue. If you grab the trunk and try leaving, it asks if you want to steal the money. If you say YES, you get 200,000 zenny and black armor.

New Armor

To get extra armor, you have to do bad things. To get it quick, kick the can at Apple Market behind the counter of Jetlag Bakery a bunch of times. Sooner or later, your armor should turn navy blue. To change the armor back to normal blue, go to Uptown's T.V. Station. Play the Balloon Fantasy game and beat Rank A. If that doesn't work, play Beast Hunter and beat Rank A. That should turn your armor back to normal.

Hard Mode

For a greater challenge, beat Megaman Legends in under at least 10 hrs. Wait until the credits end. Teisle and Tron will talk. Then, wait and it will say how long it took you to finish the game. Wait and press START. The game will start over. Now, go to the Main Screen and now, you can choose it from Normal Mode to Hard Mode. Choose Hard Mode and pick a NEW GAME. You have to save a game on HARD MODE, because this option will not appear all the time. On HARD MODE, the only thing different is that all enemies and bosses have more energy and are harder to defeat. For example, Boss Bruno's energy is the length of the screen!

Easy Mode

Once starting a game on Hard Mode, try to beat in under 7 hrs. Once restarting (read code above for instructions), a new option will be at the Main Screen. You can choose between Normal, Hard, and Easy. When starting a game on Easy Mode, all enemies and bosses have less energy and are easier to defeat. You also begin with a Buster Part called Buster Max, which maxes out all the Buster Stats! If you beat it under 7 hours, you should also begin with the Jet Skates special item, which will make the game go by faster.

Sub-Quest: Shining Laser Weapon

Begin by finding the painter in Uptown near the Boat Shop. Say her picture needs some red. Now, go to the Apple Market women's clothing store. The clerk will give you some red lipstick. Give it to the painter. She will open the musuem. Now, you can give her items from the ruins. Get all of the following 8 items:

Old Heater, Old Shield, Old Doll, Old Bone, Giant Horn, Shiny Red Stone, Crystal Fossil, Antique Bell

Once getting these, give them to the painter upstairs of the musuem. Leave and return upstairs. A little girl in a green dredd should be standing there. She will give you the Prism Crystal. Now, get the Blunted Drill inside the Main Gate and give it to Roll for the Drill Arm special weapon. Now, go look in all the other underground ruins and you can dig through some walls with the drill. Find the Weapon Plans in a hole near a Treasure Chest. Finally, go to Yass Fields. Find a hut with Jim's Club inside. Join his club. He needs a Pick. Go to City Hall near the bank and talk to the guy in a hardhat. He will give you a Pick. Give it to Jim and then kill some time (play some games at Uptown TV Station). Return. Now, he needs a Saw. Talk to the man in the hardhat. He threw his away downtown. Go down and look in trash cans near the library. Give the Saw to Jim. Kill some more time. Return. He gives you a Marlwolf Shell for helping him. Combine this with the Mystic Orb and give it to Roll for the Shield Arm special weapon. Now, finally, go outside the hut and find the hut where you earlier found a Safety Helmet. Find a Comic Book nearby. Give it to Jim for the X Buster. Now, give the X Buster, Weapon Plans, and Prism Crystal to Roll for the most powerful weapon ever, the Shining Laser!

Changing Difficulty From Game Over

If you are playing on a Hard Mode or an Easy Mode saved file, when you get a Game Over, it takes you back to the Main Screen. The difficulty setting should be there. So, if you are playing an Easy Mode file and you want to start a new game on Hard Mode, get a Game Over and the Difficulty Changing should be there.

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