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Interviews and Reviews

This page is dedicated to all printed reiviews and articles about the band. More interviews and reviews related to the band will be added in the future......


Black Moon Magazine Issue #9/10 1998(double issue)


Pre-Release Cassette

A few years ago I received this demo from a Huntington, WV foursome called NO EXUSE and despite a sometimes thin production quality, there was this raw power that grabbed my attention. I'm glad to say that today not even a crappy car stereo can keep this monster leashed. SICK WORLD (along the way they chose a new, more suitable name) have matured into real contenders for a big label signing. The raw power has been honed into groove-rich heaviness with enough tempo twists and turns to keep you interested when you're not driving into the pit. Vocalist Andy Haught's lyrics are spit out like venomous barbs that lodge inside your brain and hopefully the sick world he mocks will realize just who the misguided one is. I love Spite, the second track (note: on the CD as well), and see huge potential for it as a single. Check out their last release, Power Trip(note: Currently, the first Sick World tape, Power Trip is sold out and not available, sorry!!). You won't be disappointed in it either


American Nightmare

May 10th, 1998

Interviewed by Lisa Koirala, Mandy Taylor, and Andy Ball

Some of my favorite people to be around at a show. Great people with a great up-and-coming zine on the rise. Also note, we only agreed to this interview as they slowly shoved the branding iron into my stomach and in my moment of weakness, I gave in.....


Well!!!! This interview with Sick World took place on May 10, 1998 in the parking lot of the Stoned Monkey. Well!!!!! We bugged the total fuck out of Jared Leach for the interview, but it was worth it. So!!!!! Thanx alot to Jared Leach, Andy Haught, Mike Caniff and also Chris Webb for this interview............

American Nightmare-What are your musical inspiration?

Andy-First of all, there are four of us in the band, so obviously we all have different inspirations. As far as the general sound I guess old metallica, White Zombie, Pantera, Sepultura,Marilyn Manson has definitely been a big influence. Not completely sound wise but definitely stage performance. Also The Electric Hellfire Club.

Jared-The whole Demonica act. Ha Ha Ha (during one of SW's songs, a loosly dress lady danced around on stage while fondling some members of the band). Mostly with the guitar playing I'm the oddball in the group. I come from like a classical guitar background. I'm a classical guitar major at Marshall (University in Huntington, WV). I'm influenced alot by Latin music and alot of Steve Vai, Randy Rhoads, Danzig, Cannibal Corpse. A big variety of a stuff. That's a little bit different from what they are used to.

A.N.-How long have you guys been together?

Andy-Sick World has been around as a name since July '96. Jared's been in the since Nov. '97. But the band actually has its origins way before that. Me, Chris, and Mike have been playing together in one line up or another since like '92. We were called No Excuse at that time.

A.N.-Who was the original guitarist?

Andy-The actual original guitarist of No Excuse, before I was involved, was Tom Brown. Larry Wilson was in the band until Jared joined us. There was also a point were Larry was out of the band and I was singing and playing rhythm guitar and tom was playing lead. We've went through so many different line ups it's kinda confusing.

A.N.-How and when did Jared Leach join the band?

Andy-Jared was refereed to us by a good friend of the band, Syd Edwards. I had met Jared some shows also.

Jared-Yeah, I think we first met in '96 at a Type O (Negative) show. Then we were at The Wild Dawg (A local Huntington, WV Bar) later that year to see Quiet Riot and we exchanged numbers. Hey - here's Mike. You wanna join us? (Mike Caniff, the bassist joins the interview)

Mike-Why not.

Jared-Yeah, I took the Power Trip tape home and I was totally blown away . It was like nothing that I've never heard.

A.N.-What was the best show that you've ever done?

Andy-Each show gets better. This show was good.

Mike-This was the biggest crowd we've had actually on stage.

Andy-The Spring Fest Show (April 16th Huntington, WV) was fun. The Youth Center (Pt. Pleasant, WV) shows are good.

Jared-The all ages shows are good in general. The kids are there for the bands. They're not there to drink, pick fights,or pick up girls. They're just there to hear the music.

Mike-The younger crowds are more appreciative.

A.N.-What was the most funny/interesting thing that has happened at a show?

Jared-On the way up to the Pittsburgh show (March 7th) we put signs on the car windows that said stuff like - "I have one testicle.","No fat chicks.","Show us your tits." What was funny is that in Pennsylvania we got no response, but when we crossed into West Virginia we had so many people honking.

A.N.-Once you told guys were kicked out of some places in Huntington . Why?

Jared-Actually the Spring Fest was our first real show because we've been black-balled from a few places.

Mike-The reason we've been black-balled is because our music promotes free-thinking. We're not satanic, but we have kind of a satanic overtone. Some people misinterpret it.

Andy-The reason we do most of the things we do is to get people to think about why they believe a certain thing. When I rip up the Bible it's not that I'm putting them down for their beliefs, It's the fact that it's paper. People make such an emphasis on a book. Who's to say who actually wrote it. Alot of people have beliefs that are fed to them and they don't question them.

A.N.-When is your new album Crucifixion in the 90's coming out?

Andy-SOON! Hopefully. It's been over a year in the making. And we've got some new material that we want to record with Jared. Maybe shortly after the album we'll have an EP out. On most of the album Larry Wilson is on guitars, so Jared's not really on it.

Mike-There's gonna be a lot of rawness and anger on the album.

A.N.-Where do you see yourselves a few years from now?

Andy-I hope to see ourselves being picked up by up by a label. We're not really all that commercial, so I don't see us as a radio band, but some do hit the touring circuit and can make a living out of it.

A.N.-If you were to to become big rock stars, would you still remember us and this interview?

Jared-Yes, I remember everybody.

Mike-Sure as hell beats sitting around my room getting high.

Andy-Anyone who reads this should check out our webbsite and sign our guestbook.

Jared-It's at if you are reading this now, pay no attention to it. I think you already know it)

Andy-All hail the pig. (gives the devil sign)

Jared- don't think that they can see you dude.

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