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The Mailbag

Every so often, we'll receive some interesting mail in our mailbox. Occassionaly, some not to nice. Well, that's what this page is for: to show the rest of the world of how close minded people think.
The funniest thing about "hate mail" is that what these people don't realize is that whether they like it or not, they're actually helping us. That's right, by sending these letters and expressing such unsavory things, they most likely have friends, relatives, or church organizations to tell about us so they're actually doing advertising for us to whole new brand of audience. Lets face it folks, whether it be good or bad, they'll still hear about us and that's all that really matters so for a laugh, enjoy!!!!!

If this message gets through, I want you to know, in spite of what you may belive or how you may feel, God does love you and I will be praying for you. God Bless! dj

This is just one of many emails we've received in the past few months. Unfortunely, those fell to prey to the trash bin and have been deleted but we still manage to get more and they all read just like this one. Funny how it seems that some people believe that through a few simple words they can change a person's beliefs or values. People like this remind me of those infomercials: Sure, they might grab the person's attention, but do we really want to cut our own hair with a vaccum cleaner attactment????

Hello........well I have some very bad news for you evil ones there is no Satan, just a fairy tale used by old people to scare the little ones senseless. Why do smart people need to have to preach about such stupidity? Is your band like Marilyn Manson in that they preach Racism, Homosexuality, Date Rape, and of course Satanism all to sell records to kids wanting to appall their parents and fit in with their friends, so that some record company can realize a profit off of what sells? Gee....... How original an idea that is what sucks is if someone famous tattooed "I am a f*&%$ idiot" on their forehead it becomes a fad just like satanism,drugs,body piercing, self destuction,rebellion ,Tattoos,sex,the hoola hoop, the pet rock, homosexuality, (lets be gay cause its in right now)! Lets see what doesn't sell Personal responsibility, reality, Dealing with reality, accomplishments, being sober, not acting like a total asshole, unselfishness. Your message is in reality we are just another mindless wheel in the Cog of the machine that we hate and we do not even know it. The record execs have a list that looks like the above and figure out how to market it. You wanna see evil go take a look at how they exploit young impressionable minds to buy into sex,drugs,and no controls.I was where you are now and saw the light I see young people today doing the exact same thing I was doing there is more to life than what can be sold to you. Bow down to your pig if you choose but know this the only thing is it is just a symbol of a farce that has no substance. Chances are if everyone died tomorrow and only you were left on the face of the earth you would forget about that pig and mourn what you missed out on, with insecurity driving the need for Satan. I believe you have the right to do what you will (as long as it harm no one) And I would defend your right to say what you believe to the death even the pack of crap you spew now. I believe we are a society that consumes every piece of crap that the machine can produce Beanie Babies, my little pony, Barbie,Baywatch. This is pure evilness as Jim said "you are all a bunch of sheep" no wonder he drank him self to death. Lets slap a label on it get the demographics and sell, sell, sell. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles where are the now? Just another idea tossed aside for Jurassic Park toys. How much money is spent on this crap? Billions that could have went into a child's college tuition fund. We are a country full of substandard education we are programed to believe the Saturday cartoon commercials if only I had an X-man I could be somebody. That car will get me laid, that Beer boy.... Babes galore with every six pack. How about the Carl's Junior ad with the hot babe eating a hamburger she won't be to hot for long eating more that three days worth of fat in one meal. Who is the Father of lies? Freaking Burger King. Pull your head out and look around False religion is now way to make a living what are you the anti-swaggwert?you wanna create havoc preach about this. Got a G.I. Joe today went to the store with my mom the credit card whore got a toy to fill my time ........... all alone in my room alone much too soon ..............babysitter my bestfriend G.I Joe with the life like on my Barney underwear I am just another unit for the Military industrial complex I think that jets are cool ..........200,000 Iraqis died for polypropylene I like to ride in the an orange ball for my antenna I wanna be just like dad.............following every new overpriced fad I am just another unit for the Military Industrial complex Its my birthday I am 18.................Gonna be a Faggot Marine I am going away.................................some distant shore I get to murder just like in Doom...........I was dead before I left the womb Fight the real enemy Fight the real enemy Fight the real enemy Dead before I left the womb Parents gave me my childhood tomb locked inside an empty room

Isn't it interesting how a person can go on and on about how "evil" drugs are yet still quotes Jim Morrison. That's hypocrisy to a tee. I also find it funny that I can't seem to find anywhere on our page where we say we worship any god, much less what our religious beliefs are and any references to Marilyn Manson. I didn't think our website was that freaky to begin with....oh well

First, we do share the beliefs of The Church of Satan. Apparently this person was not aware of the fact that this satan/devil character was a creation of the christian community and has no association with The Church. Lavey was a philosopher and The Church of Satan is more of a philosophy than a religious belief. "Believe in yourself, only you choose your destiny" is the basic motto meaning you don't need some god above or some man of the cloth to tell you how to run your life. You are your own god and you choose what paths you take. Not only us but other notable bands like The Eletric Hellfire Club and Acheron (both having members in The Church), Nile, Inncantation, and list of others share are beliefs and DO NOT exploit it to make a dollar and though Mr. Manson is the most "mainstream" of those bands (and we are fans of his btw), that doesn't make his views any different. Stating he preaches homosexuality, racism, rape or whatever just goes to show this person is:

1. A bigot for thinking homosexuality is a bad thing and

2. Another closeminded person whom only knows about Mr. Manson from what is printed in mags or on TV. Those who have actually heard a Marilyn Manson knows he is neither a racist or preaches date rape

To sum up the rest of this dribble, people who have drug addictions or whatever this person thinks is "evil" is at their own fault. Sure, a drug maybe too strong to over come but the fact remains, they had responsiblity to take care of themselves and no virgin who died on a cross will be there to take away the heroin needle. They chose their path and know must continue from there. We all make mistakes and as humans we must learn from them so they will not happen again.......Also, if we were ever the last ones left on Earth, sure we'll morn but life carries on and what we aid us in our time in need is our beliefs that Mr. Lavey started 20 some-odd years ago......Oh yeah, and things like rebellion and homosexuality or NOT trends, they are lifestyles that have always exsisted since the beginning of time. History tells of homosexuality stretching back to the Egyptians where incest was also common. Rebellion, well everyone has found something to protest against since the beginning of time. Things like tattoos, drugs, sex (obviously, this person does not date much), and such are just extentions of rebellion.

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