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-Now only containing 25% less members-

CLICK HERE to experience the SICK WORLD CHATROOM. Do to the popular demand of ICQ messages, emails, and word of mouth, a chatroom has now been created for all you SICK fans out there.......

Now you're all wondering why I left the band. Well, it's a complex situation that involved a lot of details that, out of respect of myself and the band, I shall not bring all to light. It has been a real exciting experience these past few months w/ the boys. It was a learning experience on both ends but it was something that I feel no regrets for. Out of respect, I did go on and finish the last 3 shows with them but as of Thursday, Sept. 17, 1998, I have chosen not to be apart of the band. I feel my ability should be focused on other tasks at hand and that the band needs at least someone who has at least heard or listen to Korn, Pantera, and Metallica (sorry but can't stand any of those guys).

If you're wondering why this site won't be updated, let me fill you in. From the beginning, I have done ALL updates, ALL postings, ALL HTML (cept for the bio), ALL research, and ALL emails which, in my mind, makes me the webmaster of this site. However, I am also the webmaster to several other sites and have helped in the construction of several other websites. I choose to leave this site alone and just for view for others who request my sevices can see my abilities and what I am capable of. I'm sure another Sick World site shall be up in the future and when it does come around, i'll be sure to add the link from this page. Nothing personal, just business.

Is it time to hang up the spiked collar, Cradle of Filth shirt, Ibanez guitars and Crate amp and call it quits??? Life goes on and so shall mine. For now, as long as I still have my guitar students (I am a music instructor by day) I'm happy but until I hop aboard w/ another band, I'll still have them and college (classical guitar major)......

Thanks for all the kind words, thanks for all that have attended the shows, thanks for Chris, Mike, and Andy for putting up w/ me and my gf setting off car alarms and for having sex in public. thanks for all the bands for putting w/ me requesting Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show (except for a few selected bands that I have had the opportunity to work with {we made friends where ever we went})...and thanks for all who have enjoyed the work I have contributed to and for the band.......


so I'm vain.....sue me!!!!

The Band

~Huntington,WV Drop Shop April 11, 1998~

Andy Haught-Vocals

Jared Leach-Guitars and backing vocals

Mike Caniff-Bass guitars and backing vocals

Chris Webb-Drums

SICK WORLD: Cruci-fiction in the 90's CD

Scriptures & Prophecies

Sacred Text

On the Road to Cruci-Fiction

Praises of the Pig

Graven Images

Disciples of the Flock

How to Link to Us


The Guestbook is No More

This site is best viewed with:

The Church of Euthanasia

This banner changes from day-to-day so keep returning to find new words of wisdom

If you want to summit a compliment to us on what a great site this or how we are destroying today's morals and value.....

Send all praises and hate mail to:

-News-Sounds-Bio-Shows-Interviews/Reviews-Pics-Links-How to Link to Us-Webrings-

Special thanks to Jared Leach for setting up and running this site. Also, hugh thanks to Syd Edwards for aiding in the construction of this site and for providing an excellent bio for the band. May the Pig guide both of you in everyday life and lead you into temptation and deliver you from salvation....

note: Sick World and it's logo, merchandise, and anything else related to the band you read or see about is ALL a copyright of Sick World(c)1998 and MAY NOT be used for any other's personal profit. However, if you like what we're about, email us your request of what you want to use and then we'll talk. Remember, Satan is watching you!!!!