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Sept. 6, 8:15pm

Cornstalk Review and More....
Sorry about the lateness of the update: personal issues have left me with little time as of late.....

As many read on our Main Page earlier this week, Jackyl did not play at Cornstalk '98. Due to problems with their tour schedule and other "unknown" problems, the band was forced to cancel. However, this did not hinder the show at all. All the bands put on an excellent show with Room 101 winning the Battle of the Bands. Then, SICK WORLD brought their pyrotechnics and mayhem to those in attendence. With many left wanting more, it was more than clear that the band went over with the crowd.....Thanks to Orangemen's Day Parade and all that came out. With you, it wouldn't have been possible.....

NOTICE: sorry about all those who could not find the location. The band was not aware that another site was advertised which confused a lot of people. There should have been signs advertising that site had moved locations but that was the production company, who put together the event's, fault, not any of the bands....Sorry to those who did not attend due to this....

Friday's show at Lexington, KY's Millenium should not go over shadowed however. Playing at this legendary club, SICK WORLD once again displayed it's raw power and left the crowd in awe. Then Nancy Druid hit the stage and impressed everyone with their melodic, blue-ish (yet heavy) stylings. This lead up to the hard hitting sounds of Cut Love Kill. A very impressive act that has been causing quite a buzz around the Louisville-Lexington area for quite some time now. A most see if they come to your neck of the woods. Thanks for all those in attendance and for Cut Love Kill.....

That's all for now, remember to STAY SICK!!!!!!!

Aug 31, 1:26am

From Kentucky to West Virginia.....
This past Saturday, SICK WORLD took their wild, untamed music to The Firehouse, located in Richmond, KY, opening for Blue Honey and Pownd. All except for being pressed for time (the bars close at Midnight.....wierd), the show went off without problems. Thanks to to all those who made it to the show.....

Friday, Sept. 4th, SICK WORLD will be returning to that area again, performing at The Millenium in Lexington, KY with Cut Love Kill. Heard good things about this legendary club so it will be an experience to remember

Less than a week away until the highly pressed Cornstalk and things are looking promising. An estimate of around 5,000 is expected, possibly more, to here and see sounds from bands all across the tri-state, yours truely, and of course, Jackyl. Another show we will soon not forget and will definately make it one West Virginia will always remember......

That's all for now.....remember to STAY SICK!!!!!!!! Updated Aug 23, 5:35 pm

Cornstalk and More....
2 weeks away and counting until one of the monsters of rock, Jackel, comes down to rock the tri-state area. That's right, this coming Labor Day Weekend, Jackyl along with Orangemen's Day Parade and SICK WORLD will triple headline the highly pressed Cornstalk at Winfield, WV. This will be an all day festival of music featuring a "Battle of the Bands" which will display what the tri-state has to offer in terms of musical talent. If you live in the tri-state area, listen to X106.3 WAMX for details.......

Another weekend, another dollar is what took place this past weekend as the SICK WORLD returned to Dunbar, WV's own Vibrations, sharing the stage with local act D.A.N and Pittsburg, PA's own Crayon Death. All went well with all bands performing at their peek performance

More Shows have been added in the past few days with several other possible shows in the future. Look for SICK WORLD returning to Dayton, OH, Columbus, OH possibly at The Al Rosa Villa, and Pittsburg, PA possibly at Club Loga.

Sorry to cut it short but things have been quite busy around these parts but look for more updates in due time. Until then..........STAY SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Updated Aug. 20, 1:24 am

The SICKNESS Continues...
I'm sorry for the delay on the updates this week. Problems revolving around my personal life resulted in a short break from the net but everything is fine and back to normal (or what I call normal).....

This past weekend, SICK WORLD once again made it's presence felt in Parkersburg, WV's own, Rogers. Another successful 2 nights at the bar, as well as for internet onlooks (remember: this was the show that was broadcasted through Real Audio). However, some reports given to me through emails stating that Real Audio was not working for some people and were unable to view the show. I appaulogize for the inconvience. Remember, technology is not always a good thing....

It has been confirmed, soon-to-be heavy metal legends Jackyl will headline Kornfest Saturday September 5th at Winfield, WV w/ Orangemen's Day Parade and SICK WORLD performing right before they take the stage. Other bands are still not edged in stone but we'll keep on this and updated when more develops.

That's all for now. Remember to check out our other features on the site including our Links and Shows page for more new info. Remember to STAY SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Updated Aug. 11, 1:52 am

Naked and Still Going Strong
I know the title is a bit "unusual" but that's what you can expect from the quartet from West Virginia. A lot of ground to cover this week so........

Thursday, August 6th was the official date of SICK WORLD's CD release party at Huntington, WV's own, Yesterdays. Radio spots,flyers, word-of-mouth, and the band's reputation drew large numbers to the tiny club in their home town. Many copies of their new CD Cruci-fiction in the 90's sold quickly before, during, and after their set. What was more shocking was the when guitarist Jared Leach decided to get a little "raw" and show a little more than what was expected. Halfway through their set, Mr. Leach decided to go drop his pants and expose himself to the shocked Huntington crowd!! Pics will be posted of this one, most definately!!

But lets not let this little flashing to overshadow the performance of Kentucky's own Blue Honey. Their Alice N' Chains' style sound was a nice change of pace for the band and for the crowd. Both bands will be sharing the stage again later this month, August 29th at Richmond, KY's own, Firehouse (along with the band Pownd).

Friday was another eventful day for the band, heading up to northern Ohio and performing at Circle Billards Hall in Dayton, OH. Sharing the stage was headliners C.O.H, a local Misfits/punk style band with a lot history up north and a hugh reputation to boot. Though only a small turnout, the show was another successful night and many thanks to Gee Gee Migrane from The Migranes for all his help in putting together the show!!

SICK WORLD goes lumberjack?!?!? Sounds odd but on September 5th, the the little Hellraisers from West Virginia will be sharing the stage, at Winfield, WV, with none other than Jackel!!! Details are sketchy but this will be a festival (the working title is Cornfest {sp??}) and many other bands will be on the bill including Orangemen's Day Parade (another somewhat "local" band to the southern Ohio/ West Virginia area and are one SW's favs) and possible other "legendary" bands have been mentioned for other slots including Ratt and Quiet Riot. Though nothing is definate other than Jackel, Orangemen's Day Parade, and SW, more info will be passed along as soon as we get it......

That's all for now, remember to stay sick!!!!!!!

Aug. 2, 5:24 pm

The Band You Love to Hate
Love em or hate em, the band SICK WORLD has been causing quite a stir this past week with a few people. If you have checked out our guestbook, you would know what we are talking about. Let me take the time now to address this issue:

1.The band simply refuses to respond to these type of people through guestbook signings or emails because simply put....the band doesn't have time to play these childish games. If you want to tell us something, tell it to our faces then you'll get a response.

2. On the Bible ripping: the last report of any Bible ripping at a SICK WORLD show was in January of 98 at Columbus, OH's Jammer West so get with the times people!! The band has broadened it's horizons since then with introducing a wide range of stage antics from strippers to vomiting (yum yum). I don't think you'll be finding Mr. Andychrist anytime wanting to rip out a Satanic Bible. You don't destroy what you live by, only your enemy's choice of weapons (and what a weak weapon it is). SW might bring back the Bible bashing sometime soon but only in a fire format.....

Sorry about that, now on with the news......

This past Saturday, SICK WORLD visited Chilicothe, OH bringing their brand of tongue-and-cheek satyre with em (sorry, no Bibles at this show either) and joined Columbus, OH's Monkeynut and Chilicothe's own Vile. Things went extremely well for SICK WORLD with the crowd wanting more after the set but due to the shortness of time, no oncores that night. Next was Columbus, OH's Monkeynut who's set was cut short due to complaints from neighboring apartments. Vile managed to work around the problem by moving everything to the opposite side of the building and put on a great show of death metal brutality. Thanks for all those who came out and bought a CD or t-shirt....

SICK WORLD will be having their offical CD release party in Huntington, WV's Yesterdays with Blue Honey. If you live in the area, come out and show your support. Listen to 106.3 WAMX or 99.3 the X for more info and for tracks off the CD. That's all for now, remember to STAY SICK!!!!!!!!!!

July 15, 11:12 pm

SICK WORLD Back Online
I know it's been awhile since the last update, but it's been real chaotic around the SICK WORLD homes. With automobile wrecks (btw, Jared says thanks for all the get well emails!!!) and wedding bells going on, it has been real hard to maintain the site. However, we are now back online and may continue on spreading the sickness......Since there's so much to do, I'll be brief

-CD release party is scheduled for August 6th at Huntington, WV's own Yesterday's

-A possible live demo maybe in circulation comprised of the band's live performances on the net

-More pics and other assorted stuff will be posted in the near future. Technology can be a saint but it can also be a pain to deal with so please bare with us

-Lastly, drummer Mr. Chris Webb will be wed on Saturday, July 18th. You'll see more of this in the future

Remember to check out other features on this site.....ENJOY!!!!!!

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