Dedication Ceremony

When a person feels they are ready to begin study of the Craft, whether it is in my coven or solitary, I always recommend doing a Dedication Ceremony. It is very important to declare this formally. This is the very beginning of the changes that will take place within one's psyche and it's this ceremony that will launch those changes. I feel it is so important that is is mandatory in our coven. Before anyone can begin training they must dedicate themsleves to the journey. This is a private ceremony declaring your dedication before the Gods of your commitment of study and growth. This begins the relationship between the Gods and the postulant, and only the postulant can do it. A coven or any other person cannot give this link and forge this bond between deity and an individuals own heart.

Before you decide upon this path, you should ask yourself a few questions. The important thing to remember is there are no right nor wrong answers. But they are questions that should be asked and should be considered before you proceed. If you are looking for power over others, seeking to cause harm, have ideas of granduer which place you at the center of a crowd of worshippers the the Craft is NOT your niche and I seriously suggest looking someplace else to find what you are looking for.

Dedication to the study of the Craft requires time and sincerity. It does not always show immediate results and it does not always answer things the way we want. The old saying comes to mind 'Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it'. The Goddess often asks of us perserverance and patience when we geel we have none left to give. Many, at these doors of change and trial, fall by the wayside, finding it difficult to go on. But for those who forge ahead and break through the door, we find the answers to our Mysteries. If you are one of those I say Merry Meet into the Craft of the Wise.

1. What does Witchcraft as a religion mean to you? And the term Witch?

2. What are you seeking from this religion?

3. What does Dedication mean to you, and why ae you pursuing it at this time?

4. Who or what are the Goddess and the God?

5. What are your responsibilities as a Dedicate? (to yourself if you are solitary, and to yourself and your coven in you are joining one)

Please feel free to use this Rite of Dedication (make this the link) I give. I have adapted it from various sources, and you feel free to do the same. A word of advice on rituals...keep a copy of them. Use a diary or journal, or simply keep a section in your Book Of Shadows describing who attended, the date, time and moon phase, what the purpose of the rite was (ie a sabbat, esbat, healing, maigck etc.) and anything else of importance to you, right down to the type of incense and how the altar was layed out. I have recorded many of my own over the years, but there are many more lost to time. This is one of those 'Do as I say not as I do' moments!

Here is a sample layout from 'The Magickal Diary-a personal ritual journey' created by Donald Michael Kraig. These books are available through Llewellyn publications.

The Magickal Diary

Chose a night that is signifigant such as Imbolg (February 2) or the New Moon, both being symbolic of beginnings. You will need a few itmes for the ceremony.

-Salt ( a few tablespoons in a small bowl)
-Wine in a special chalice or cup(or another symbolic beverage such as milk or fruit juice for those who do not use alcohol in ceremony)
-Water(about 1/8 of a cup) in a small cup
-a white candle
-an incense of your choice is optional

Mix the water and the wine together in the chalice. Sprinkle the salt over the area, unless you are outside, for this can harm the plantlife. Light the candle. Sit quietly...calming your mind. When you feel ready, rise to your feet...arms outstreched...Say:

I wish to declare my dedication before the Eternal Goddess and Her consort the Horned God. I commit myself to the study of the Old Ways which are Their ways. I declare this with pure heart and pure thought before the Divine. (if you are joined by others add 'and before those assembled here) Put my feet upon the path O Wise ones and let my journey begin. So Mote It Be.

Bless me Mother, for I am your child*

annoint eyes with wine*
Blessed be my eyes, that I may see your path

*annoint nose*
Blessed be my nose that I may breath your essence

*annoint mouth*
Blessed be my mouth, that I may speak of you

*annoint breasts*
Blessed be my breasts that I may be faithful of heart

*annoint loins*
Blessed be my loins, which create life, as you have created life

*annoint feet*
Blessed be my feet, that I may walk in your ways

Return to sitting...Allow all the energy to flow though you...LISTEN...let the thoughts flow though your mind (you may wish to have a notebook handy to write it...but wait until immediately after the ritual)...Ask the Goddess to speak to yourself up to with her...of your fears, desires, longings...but most importantly...ask her to guide your path to you, ...She will. She does not speak to us as a voice more often than in symbology that is signifigant to us...She may not give you all things you are looking for before the circle is closed. But she WILL show you.

When you feel enough time has passed rise and continue.

Blessed be this time that marks my life. That I shall ever after be a child of the Gods, that I shall learn of them and embrace them as my own.

When the ritual is over give yourself a gift to help you begin your journey. These might include a book to begin your Book of Shadows, books on the Craft, stones, candle or incense, all which are valuable to anyone in the Craft.

It is VERY important that you have something to eat and drink...and you should always leave an offering to the Lady when you have done ritual...DO NOT leave this out. Food and drink are ways we ground ourselves after helps to close off our energy centers...for if they remain open it drains us...and we can become physically ill from it...It doesn’t matter what you eat...but it should be something that you can bring into the circle with you...NO MEAT or aritfical anything and something to drink...water, wine, milk...bread, cake, fruit...something of that nautre. ALWAYS leave your libation to the Lady in a place that her animal children may partake of it...NOT on asphalt or something of that nautre. Under a bush, tree...beside of a stream...etc. Close your circle, clean up anything you have left...leave your libation...and thank the Lady and Lord, knowing you have been heard. The journey has begun.