An Introduction to Witchcraft

Witchcraft is a spiritual path based on ancient Goddess worship and Celtic shamanism also known as Druidism. We follow the cycle of the seasons as seen in our solar sabbats and the phases of the Moon.

We do not believe in or worship the Christian concept of Satan, nor do we recognize any belief in absolute good vs. absolute evil. Evil is the making of humans. We view the Shadow as necessary not evil, destruction of the old always clears away for the new to begin. One of our lessons is to strive to balance the light and dark within us all.

We adhere to the belief of ‘An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will’; we also believe that ‘lest in self defense it be, ever mind the rule of three’…meaning whatever you send out returns to you with three times the power.

Magick is part of our religion, but a secondary part, for every spiritual path uses the energy that controls and directs magick. We just chose to recognize and call it by a name, where another path may not. We do not believe in doing manipulative magick for selfish purposes.

Witchcraft is a path that brings one closer to deity being seen in the duality of Goddess and God, promotes a better understanding of ourselves and our connection to every living thing and also makes us recognize our responsibility for our actions and how our actions affect others. We can blame nothing on a deity bent on making us act wrongfully to another or ourselves. We strive to treat each living thing with respect. We do not base our belief system on fear or control.

Our path is an ancient one, and one that holds us to a standard of love and honor. To live in harmony with all living things, on our Mother Earth is a goal that we strive for every day.