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-Exchanging Links- -South Park Links- -South Park Coloring Book- -Buy Stuff Off the Internet- -Contests-

E-mail Chaz


November 29, 1998

I changed things. Another contest is running, new Coloring Book picture every Wednesday, Buy Stuff Off the Net links to Comedy Central Store instead of me making my own, and I update the site whenever I feel the need. Add my site to your links, try to win the contests, and I am really busy working on my Mega Man and Chicken Lover sites, so don't expect updates here alot. Did anybody have a Happy Thanksgiving?

November 25, 1998

The contest is finally up. Go now and see how you could win. It's actually a really easy contest. I decided I'm going to update every Wednesday. The Buy Stuff Off the Net section will be up Wednesday. Oh, yeah, I also made a new Coloring Book image. It's the Spooky Fish that I created for the Halloween episode but didn't put it on the site. I also made a new layout for the Coloring Book so it's easier to navigate. Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 1998

I got my site fixed up and ready for action! Start out by checking the South Park Links. I chose a bunch of random links before telling people to submit so check to see if your site isn't already on there. If it isn't, run over to Exchange Links to learn how I will put your link on the SP Links section. Then, have some fun at the Coloring Book section. Instructions on that page. Finally, run down to the Contests section to learn about my upcoming contest. Note, going to the Buy Stuff Off the Internet section won't work. It's under construction. I will put up the contest probably tomarrow and I will work on the Buying Stuff section probably in a week. Remember, since I have another SP Site to take care of, I will only update this site weekly and the other SP Site daily. Go there by finding the banner below.

November 21, 1998

Welcome to the Super Center! The site may suck a while. Yes, suck. Since I just now created this baby, I will need some time to do some major updating. I need to make pictures and options and additional pages and all sorts of things, so some things may not work. Sorry.

Please bookmark my site. South Park and all related characters except for Chaz are trademarks of Comedy Central 1997, 1998.

Other Sites Made By Me

Chicken Lover Case

Megaman Headquarters

Chaz's Video Games
