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What is a Business Card Web Site

Quite simply, the Business Card Web Site program is designed as a cost-effective method for independent business professionals, small businesses, not-for-profit organizations and special events to establish a basic online presence that is easy to expand and develop in the future.

We keep it simple.

"Less is more." Most users want their information delivered quickly and accurately. For that reason, we concentrate on delivering your message with text and static images and discourage the use of animation, multi-media and special effects unless absolutely necessary.


I will design a mini-site for you that features your business card information plus graphic that shows your product or a picture of your facility or even a picture of you.

Your Own Business Card Web Site for just $199.00

This includes free Domain Name and Hosting for 1 year.

Each year after that will cost $12.95 to renew Domain Name and $60.00 Hosting fee

Contact me

