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I am working on a few Projects. Here they are:
Alternate Definiton file

New definiton file for mapedit. Right now for version 4.whateveritwas. In this definition file there will be several fixes like changing huge gun to chaingun and yellow key to gold key. Status: Working on Estimated release date: Beginning of August Estimated size: 12 KB


Definition files should be out somewhere in the end of september, cause I'm busy working on Ultimate Wolfenstein

New Wolf add-on: Ultimate Wolfenstein
A new wolf add-on. No need for Wolf Shareware nor Full Version. A lot of changed graphics from SoD, BStone and Lost Episodes. Some are totally new. Right now there is 4 episodes done. Check it out more at Ultimate Wolfenstein

Status: Working on Estimated release date: End of September Estimated size: 0,8 - 1,2 MB