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Writing Tips

I have decided the best thing to suggest to you is the obvious. Send a recent picture of yourself so the lady can see you. After all, you have already seen her picture. Keep the letter clean if you want a reply! Do not brag about yourself.

Tell her about your interests, your work, your hobbies. Remember, this is your introduction letter, you do not have to cram your whole life story in the first letter. Keep it interesting and informative. Do not be afraid to be inquisitive, you may have many questions. Feel free to ask some of them within reason. Again, there will be plenty of time to ask all the questions you may have.

Most of all, be yourself. I recommend writing to at least 5 different ladies to start. More if you enjoy writing. Try to write often, once or twice a week. You will appreciate the letters coming into your mailbox as much as she appreciates the letters coming to her mail box. Have fun! You will be corresponding with some very interesting people.

Be honest with them if you are writing more than one be sure to tell her and then narrow your selection down to one eventually. Remember one or more of these ladies might now each other so don't lie to her. Because the three fastest ways that gossip get's around is "Telephone, Telegraph and TELL A WOMAN".

Don't send lots of money some women have been known to ask for large sums of money. Most women are to proud to ask for money. Use you best judgment. If you have been solicited for money by a TLC lady let me now and I'll remove her from this site.

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