I love to play with it alot, so keep coming back and see what's going on next. Sometimes I call it my little wennie, my rocket, my sleek design or the one eyed wonder worm. I pretend it's a towel rack and hang my washcloth on it and in the tub it's my dolphin or my catapult. I have a real bad candle fetish too, so hell I even made a wax model of it once and now my ex-wife and her new husband display it on their book shelf as a conversation piece. It's such a freak of nature that everyone that sees it rolls on the floor laughing their asses off. My ex-wife even said that sex is great now that she has a real man instead of me. I'm so self centered that I never think of anyone else other than my self, I'm so bad that when I left my wife of fourteen years and children for my cyber slut ( who I had not met in person before I left ) I didn't care who it hurt as long as I got my way. Hell, I even took the family computer when I left so I could still chat on line with my cyber slut and I didn't care how that affected my children either. I believe whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine too. So if the women I'm with doesn't kiss my ass, I'll keep looking untill I find one that will. See I met this cyber slut on chat and started having an on line affair with her and because she was so desperate for a man so she could prove to her soon to be ex-husband she could replace him, she would have taken anything as long as it had a dick and two legs. She already had alot of men on the web, I'm just the only stupid one that kept coming back. It's just a matter of time and she'll replace me also when she finds another married sucker or buys a dildo. That's why I'm still sneaking around trying to make sure I have a replacement ready. Now back to my little wennie, it is so ugly I can't even make a living with it and it's no good for anything else either, I joke about it my self all the time too. My wennie stays sick all the time, it only takes it a second to spit up if the wind blows. The head is real tiny and blue with a mole on it. And the shaft is way to fat for the head and the balls, "well they're big and brown" and if it was any smaller I would be a girl, people already refer to me as dick less. I am real embarrassed by it so I thought this might help me deal with my shame or help me find another cyber slut that likes little weird wennies. I tried putting my tiny little wennie on the side of a milk carton but, no one wanted to touch the milk cartons so that didn't work. Cyber sluts are females that can't find men around where they live, so they look mainly for married men and perverts like me in chats rooms.
UPDATE: Well I can't believe how long it's been since I threw my family away. I always thought my wife would forgive me and take me back, but she never did. She has a real man now, much better to her than I ever was. My children have a real father finally and a big house with a lots of land. They have horses, four wheelers, hills to climb, meadows to run in. They have a much better life now than I ever gave them. I know I need to up date this site more, but I have been to busy kissing my cyber slut's ass lately to work very much on this web page and it's links. This is what happens when you let your tiny head do your thinking.
Wennie Links
Internet Is Like A Penis Because: