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Chapter Eleven

Drew's eyes widened as he advanced slowly on her. "What happened, what did I do?" she asked nervously. She couldn't think of a single thing she'd done to make him angry. He got closer and closer until Drew started to back away from him as he glared at her.

She hit a table as she went past it and nearly knocked over the lamp that was sitting on it. She barely caught the lamp before it went tumbling to the floor. As she sat it back on the table, she looked back at Kevin who was still glaring at her. "Wait a second." she said, standing up straight, hands on her hips. "This is MY home." she said as she poked a finger at his chest. "You can't just waltz right in here accusing me of something. Furthermore, I haven't done anything wrong!"

She stopped her tirade and looked at Kevin and saw a smile playing at the edges of his mouth. "Is this funny?" she asked him.

"You're beautiful when you're mad." he stated simply.

"Quit trying to change the subject!" she yelled as she thumped him on the shoulder with her fist. "Tell me why you're mad."

Keivn turned to scowling again as he started toward her again, only this time, he caught her wrists so she couldn't back away. With each of her wrists imprisioned by his hands, he pulled her very close to him, their hands between their bodies. He was so close, Drew could feel his breath against her lips. Drew stared at his lips, wanting nothing more than for him to kiss her. She forgot totally about his reason for being there, or if he was mad. She waited breathlessly as his lips came closer and closer to hers.

When his lips were only a fraction of a centimeter away from hers, he stopped and murmured slowly "AJ."

The word took a few moments to register in Drew's brain but when it did she pulled her head back and asked "What?"

Kevin drew his eyes away from her lips and stared hard into her eyes while tightening his grip on her wrists. "You let me believe you were dating AJ."

"That's what you're so upset about? Give me a break, it's no big deal." Drew began to smile slowly, once again liking Kevin's jealousy.

"It is a big deal. You were trying to make me jealous."

"Did it work?" Drew was smiling broadly now, pleased with herself.

"Hell yes it worked." Kevin ground out through clenched teeth. "I wanted to rip AJ's head off every time I saw him. Does it make you happy that I was jealous?!" he asked the last when Drew started smiling even broader.

Drew nodded and slipped her arms around Kevin's neck and pressed her body to his. Kevin was looking at something over her head and refused to meet her eyes. Drew stood on her tiptoes and gave him a short and sweet kiss onhis lips. She heard Kevin sigh and finally look down at her while his arms came around to hold her loosely.

"You put me through hell, angel. I felt so damn guilty every time I touched you or had a naughty thought about you. Needless to say I was feeling guilty quite often." He spoke softly and his arms tightened around her. "Not to mention the time I nearly killed Howie when I found out he'd set the two of you up on a date. Stop looking so pleased with yourself. I'm tempted to just walk out of here and never see you again." He said so with such little conviction that Drew laughed and kissed him again. Drew felt the tension leave his body and he even smiled a little bit.

"How did you find out AJ and I aren't dating?" she asked.

"AJ brought some bimbo with him to the studio today. I started yelling at him that he was betraying you. He looked at me like I had grown an extra head and quite calmly informed me that the two of her were only friends and had never really dated. I was a little embarassed." Drew could tell just how embarassed he'd been, and still was if the blush on his face was any indication.

Kevin looked at her sharply when a quiet giggle escaped her. At his glare, she explained. "You were mad when you thought AJ and I were dating but when you thought he cheated on me, you defended me." She started laughing again and continued "My very own Knight in Shining Armor!"

"I'll show you Knight in Shining Armor." Kevin growled playfully and bent to pick her up, throwing her over his shoulder. He carried her, laughing, over to the couch where he threw her down and proceeded to tickle her. He ran his fingers up and down her ribcage while she squealed and laughed, tears of mirth in her eyes. After he felt like she'd had enough, he stopped and laid down on the couch beside her, tucking her to his side.

They laid there silently, with each other with Drew's head on his chest. Outside, it started to rain steadily, hitting the roof in a comforting rhythm.

"Tell me about you, Drew." Kevin said softly, gently stroking her hair.

"What do you mean?" she asked, just as softly.

" just hit me that I know nothing about you. I told you everything about me the other day at that Italian Restuarant but you've told me nothing about you."

Drew smiled and said "What do you want to know?"

"Everything." he whispered softly.

"Well," she began "I grew up in Michigan, where my family lives now. As I already told you, my mother is Spanish, my father is American. We all speak both languages. I have three older brothers, Mark, who you met, Beau and Lewis. They are all protective of their little sister but Beau is the worst. He thinks that I'm still twelve years old and threatens the life of any male I ever talk to. Lewis is the oldest and he is insane. He's never serious a day in his life, always cutting up. Mark is the youngest brother and I think he's the most understanding. He always helped me stay out of trouble." She stopped her explanation and looked up at him. "That's about it."

Kevin gently pushed her head back down to his chest and said "That can't be it. What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a journalist."

Drew could feel Kevin's body tense and she looked up at him. "What?"

"You're a reporter?" Kevin asked. So many times in the past, he'd had everything destroyed by reporters. It was because of them that he had no privacy. It was because of them that his family was hounded constantly. And most of all, it was because of them that most of his relationships didn't work out. His girlfriends got tired of having to pretend not to notice when you sit down to have breakfast with twenty or thirty people crowded around you, staring.

Drew looked at him and laughed, realizing what he was thinking. "No, I'm not a reporter." she said settling her head back on his chest. "I'm a journalist. There's a difference. A reporter is one of those hundreds of people that follow you around twenty four seven. A reporter is someone who is called to tell everyone when there's a traffic jam." She paused for a moment, then continued. "I do serious stuff. I can't tell you how many times I've met the president. Not because I was covering the national convention, because I was invited to dinner at the White House for congradulations for my work in Bosnia or something. I love what I do. I've been around the world and I feel like I've made a difference." She stopped again and gave a little laugh. "No, I'm not a reporter."

Kevin took a few minutes to process the information, then asked "Have you always wanted to be a journalist?"

"No." she said, laughing. "I left Michigan straight out of High School and moved to Orlando because I was determined to be a famous singer. I was going to be the next Whitney Houston."

"I didn't know you sang."

Drew shrugged as if it wasn't important.

"Sing something for me." Kevin said softly.

Drew hesitated and looked at Kevin. When she saw that he was genuinly interested in hearing her sing, not just being polite, she decided to give it a shot. She cleared her throat and sang the first song that came to her mind. Her voice was clear and gentle.

Lying here with you
Listening to the rain
Smiling just to see
The smile apon your face
And these are the moments
I know heaven must exist
And these are the moments
I know all I need is this
I've found all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more

She stopped singing and looked up at Kevin. He didn't say anything but what he felt was in his eyes. He didn't speak, just leaned in quickly and pressed his lips to hers. That kiss told her what his words didn't. He thought she had a beautiful voice and was touched by her coice of songs. The kiss was gentle and even a little loving. Neither of them ever wanted it to end

The phone ringing through the silent room changed that. They broke away reluctantly and Drew picked up the phone from the table by the couch. Kevin watched her silently as she talked into the phone. After a few minutes she hung up and looked at him sadly.

"I have to go." she said reluctantly. "That was my boss. There's a hostage situation in D.C and he wants me up there. I'll be gone for a few days.

Kevin nodded and ignored the pain that went through his chest. They got up off the couch and went back into her room where he helped her pack. An hour later he drove her to the airport where she met her boss. Kevin stood by silently as the short, balding man gave Drew her plane ticket and last minute instructions. When he was finished he said goodbye and politely left them alone.

"It's not so bad." Drew said as she turned to him. "I'll be gone a few days at most."

"It's dangerous." he stated.

Drew nodded and said "I won't say it isn't but I've been through more dangerous things than this."

Kevin took a deep breath and put his hands gently on either side of her face. He leaned forward and placed his forehead to hers. "Please be careful." he whispered brokenly. "And hurry back." He gave her one last kiss and then she was gone.

Chapter Twelve