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Chapter Two

Kevin tried desperatly to stifle a yawn. This double date with Howie and Laura was a disaster. He looked over at Olivia and tried to act interested as she told him about the time she had walked into a beauty shop and requested a pedicure, only to find out they didn't even do pedicures!

"I was so embarassed!" she exclaimed and looked over at Kevin.

"It sounds truly mortifying." Kevin mumbled as he took another sip of the drink in front of him. He shot an annoyed look over the rim of his glass to Howie who was looking decidedly uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, ladies." Kevin said as he pushed his chair back. "But I need to make a trip to the men's room." He nodded at the two women and left the table and headed straight for the men's room.

As he entered the room, he finally let his fake smile fall and his real mood appear. He scowled at his reflection in the mirror and turned that same scowl on Howie as he entered the bathroom.

"I know what you're thinking, Kev." he began.

"No, I don't think you know what I'm thinking but go ahead and give it a shot."

Howie gave him a weary look but continued "You're thinking that maybe Olivia isn't exactly right for you and--"

Kevin cut him off. "Wrong." he stated bluntly. "What I'm thinking about is how much I want to get my hands around her pretty little neck. Then when I'm done wringing her neck for being so damn annoying, I'm going to wring yours."

"Mine? This isn't my fault."

"The hell it isn't!" Kevin growled. "You are responsible for this Howie and I'm warning you, if you don't get me out of this soon, I'm going to strangle you!"

"Damn, Kevin. Quit being so irritable. I had no idea Olivia was so.....annoying. Laura was just trying to help. You should really get out more. She has this other friend, Casey--" Kevin cut him off with a low growl and Howie stepped back. "Ok, ok. I'll let it go. Just remember-" With another warning look from Kevin, Howie was out the door.

Kevin spent a few more minutes in the bathroom and when he finally returned to the table it was to find everyone standing up and putting their coats on.

"Oh, Kevin, honey, I'm so sorry you're sick." Olivia was saying. "It must have been food poisoning. You know one time while I was staying with my Great-Aunt Minee, we ate at this charming little restaurant in town. Well it turns out that it wasn't quite so charming after all...."

As she continued her story, Kevin stifled the urged to roll his eyes.

They were almost out the door when the heard a voice calling to them.

"Laura! Laura is that you?"

"Drew!" Laura exclaimed and rushed over to embrace the young woman. The new arrival's back was to Kevin and he couldn't see her face. Not that he wanted to. All he was concerned about at that moment was getting the hell out of there and away from Olivia.

"I haven't seen you since college!" Laura was saying to which Drew replied "It's only been two years!" The two women had a laugh at that one and Laura finally decided to introduce her friend to everyone.

"This is my boyfriend, Howie, a friend of mine, Olivia and Howie's friend Kevin."

Kevin finally looked up at Drew to say his hello's and nice to meet you's but before he could get the words out, his breath caught in his throat. Standing before him was surely a vision he'd conjured up because he was so miserable. The woman was simply beautiful, it was all Kevin could think about her. Beautiful. She was tall and slender with a lovely mass of black hair. She had amazing green eyes that were set off by her perfectly tanned skin. She smiled at him and Kevin was nearly blinded by the beauty of it. Her perfectly shaped lips were pulled taut over straight white teeth to create a startling effect. When she stuck out her hand to shake his, Kevin was startled to realize he was staring.

"It's nice to meet you." he said hoarsly and she returned the words.

Turning back to Laura, she said "Me and Mark were just heading over to the club down the street. Do ya'll want to come?"

Laura looked around the group and her gaze fell on Kevin. "I don't know, Drew. Kevin's feeling a bit under the weather." Her tone was accusing and Kevin actually blushed a little, having been caught in his lie.

"Acutally, I'm feeling a lot better." he said to Laura and she rolled her eyes.

"Great! I would SO love to go to a club. I haven't been to one since I went with my last boyfriend. Let me tell you, THAT was a disaster..." Kevin rolled his eyes heavenward. He'd forgotten about his date for the evening. Hearing her chatter about yet another bad experience, he almost changed his mind about going to the club. He looked back at Drew and his mind was made up. He was going to that club even if he did have to put up with Olivia for the rest of the night.

"Yes, I think I'm feeling much better." he repeated, his eyes alight with admiration as he gazed apon Drew.

Chapter Three
