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Our Statement of Faith

The Scriptures consist of sixty-six books of the Tanakh(Old Testament) and the Brit Hadasha(New Testament), the inspired Word of HaShem(God), without error in their original manuscripts, and are the revelation of the perfect will of HaShem for the salvation of the world. The Scriptures are the final authority for all spiritual and personal matters. YaHWeH, our Elohim, is The One Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of all things seen and unseen... perfect, eternal, echad, and without equal. Yahshua HaMashiach(Jesus the Messiah), walked among us in the flesh, and in total obedience to HaShem, as it is told in the Brit Hadasha. In His sacrifice, He paid the price for the sins of the world. (Yochanan(John)1:29) And in His resurrection, we share in His victory over eternal death.(Yochanan 3:16) Yahshua Ha Mashiach is The Living Torah, and we are called to be a Torah obedient people, faithful to HaShem, and separate from the worldly nations of this age. It is through the Ruach HaKodesh(Holy Spirit),that the gifts of discernment, edification, faith, and love are bestowed upon the obedient children of HaShem according to His Perfect Will. The faithful children of YaHWeH are to be a light unto the world, witnessing to His Power, Love, and Grace. Baruch HaShem!!

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