MEDAL OF HONOR: Colonel William W. Henry, 10th Infantry, "though suffering from severe wounds, rejoined his regiment and let it in a brilliant charge, recapturing the guns of an abandoned battery" at Cedar Creek.
MEDAL OF HONOR: Sergeant Eri D. Woodbury, Co. E, 1st Cavalry Regiment: "During the regiment's charge when the enemy was in retreat Sgt. Woodbury encountered 4 Confederate infantrymen retreating. He drew his saber and ordered them to surrender, overcoming by his determined actions their willingness to further resist. They surrendered to him together with their rifles and 12th North Carolina (C.S.A.) regimental flag," at Cedar Creek, Va.
MEDAL OF HONOR: Corporal Frederick A. Lyon, 1st Cavalry Regiment, "With 1 companion, captured the flag of a Confederate regiment, 3 officers, and an ambulance with its mules and driver," at Cedar Creek, Va.
MEDAL OF HONOR: Private James Sweeney, Company A, 1st Vermont Cavalry, "With one companion captured the State flag of a North Carolina regiment, together with 3 officers and an ambulance with its mules and driver," at Cedar Creek, Va.
MEDAL OF HONOR: Colonel Stephen Thomas, 8th Vermont Infantry: "Distinguished conduct in a desperate hand_to_hand encounter, in which the advance of the enemy was checked," at Cedar Creek, Va.
MEDAL OF HONOR: Lieutenant Colonel Amasa A. Tracy, 2nd Vermont Infantry, "Took command of and led the brigade in the assault on the enemy's works," at Cedar Creek, Va.
Sergeant Henry W. Downs, Co. I, 8th Infantry, "with one comrade, voluntarily crossed an open field, exposed to a raking fire, and returned with a supply of ammunition, successfully repeating the attempt a short time thereafter," at Winchester, Va.
The Shenandoah Valley served as a major battlefield for much of the war. Between the mountains of this valley, many Civil War generals such as Major General Philip Sheridan and Major General George Custer advanced their careers and led their men to victory. For other Union generals such as Banks and Sigel, the Valley was not so kind.
1st Michigan Infantry
1st West Virginia Infantry
2nd Massachusetts Infantry
2nd Vermont Infantry
3rd Michigan Infantry
3rd Vermont Infantry
4th Vermont Infantry
4th West Virginia Infantry
4th Michigan Infantry
5th Vermont Infantry
5th West Virginia Infantry
6th Vermont Infantry
6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
6th Pennsylvania Infantry
6th Ohio Infantry
7th West Virginina Infantry
8th Vermont Infantry
8th Vermont Infantry
9th West Virginia Infantry
9th Pennsylvania Infantry
9th Vermont Infantry
10th Pennsylvania Infantry
10th Vermont Infantry
10th West Virginia Infantry
11th West Virginia Infantry
11th Vermont Infantry
12th West Virginia Infantry
12th Indiana Infantry
13th West Virginia Infantry
14th Vermont Infantry
14th West Virginia Infantry
15th Vermont Infantry
15th West Virginia Infantry
16th Mass Infantry
16th Pennsylvania Infantry
20th Regiment of Massachusetts (The Harvard Regiment)
20th Michigan Infantry
28th Mass Inf
34th Ohio Infantry
36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
48th Pennsylvania Infantry
53rd Pennsylvania Infantry
66th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
96th Pennsylvania Infantry
128th Ohio Inf
128th New York State Infantry
131st New York Volunteer Infantry
138th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
162nd NY Infantry
54th Pennsylvania Infantry
Go to Shenandoah Valley Home Page
32nd Pa Regiment, 3rd Reserve Brigade
54th Pennyslvania Inf (second site)
The Civil War in the Shenandoah Valley
Federal Artillery and Cavalry Units Who Fought in the Valley
Confederate Units Who Fought in the Shenandoah Valley
Pender/Scales Brigade, North Carolina Infantry
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This page last updated September 30, 2004